Most Important Points when Buying Bulk Pistachios

Most Important Points when Buying Bulk Pistachios; Pistachio is one of the most delicious and of course the most expensive nuts. When buying pistachios in bulk, you should keep in mind the points that we will address in this article.

Most Important Points when Buying Bulk Pistachios

Most Important Points when Buying Bulk Pistachios

Most Important Points when Buying Bulk Pistachios

You can buy pistachios in bulk and in packages. However, it is very important to buy from reputable suppliers and exporters of nuts. Before buying the product, you can request a sample from the seller and check the following items in the received sample:

  • Pistachio shell color should be high quality, clean and without stains.
  • Pistachio kernels should not be moldy.
  • High quality pistachios are either completely smiling or one side of it has a completely open slit. Do not buy pistachios with cracks in the body.
  • If the number of closed pistachios in a handful of pistachios is high, do not buy it. Closed pistachios are a sign of its immaturity. If the pistachio is ripe, at least one side will crack. In addition, it is difficult to break closed pistachios.
  • Pistachios should be uniform in size and appearance.
  • The part of the pistachio kernel that is visible should be purple, reddish-gray, or purple and brown, depending on the type. The color of pistachio kernels varies from yellow to light and dark green. The greener the pistachio kernel, the better it tastes.
  • Pistachio kernels should be tasty and not have a bitter or unpleasant taste.
  • If the pistachio kernel is soft, it indicates that it has been stored in a moist place. Do not buy these pistachios.
  • Pistachio kernels should not be too dry and wrinkled.
  • Avoid buying colored pistachios. They are usually dyed to remove stains on pistachio skins. If you pay attention, it becomes clear that the color of pistachios is not natural.

An important term in pistachios

Most Important Points when Buying Bulk PistachiosIf the pistachio is ripe, it will smile. However, sometimes substandard pistachios are so-called smoked. That is, first they put the pistachios in water and then in the oven to make them smile. Because these pistachios are salted and roasted, they give them a good aroma and taste and are sold at a good price. It is a little difficult to distinguish this type of pistachio.

One common method is to hold some pistachios in your clenched fist and shake them. If the pistachio kernels make a lot of noise when they hit their shells, it means they are smiling.

Of course, this method works if starch is not added to the brine solution during the roasting stage of pistachios! Starch causes pistachio kernels to stick to the shell and make no sound. This is the trick of some producers to sell smoked pistachios at high prices.

Another trick vendors use to store pistachios for a long time is to use a pill in a pistachio sack that keeps them healthy for several months. The pistachios are then roasted or seasoned to eliminate the unpleasant odor of the pill. These pistachios are difficult to identify even for sellers of nuts and nuts. This is where the importance of buying from reputable stores comes into play.

Ferdowsi Trading Center is a well-known trading company in Iran, providing you with best quality pistachios directly from farms of Iran. You are welcomed to check our pistachio page and contact us.

What is the most Delicious Type of Pistachios?

What is the most Delicious Type of Pistachios? The main reason for the deliciousness of pistachios is its high fat content. The main reason for the more deliciousness of Iranian pistachios is that they are fatter , and the main reason for that is the height of the pistachios farms areas in Iran. The height of pistachio cultivation in Iranian pistachio orchards is from 800 to 2000 meters above sea level, and this height causes a large temperature difference between day and night, low air pressure and lower relative humidity, and causes better concentration and movement of vegetable sap.

What is the most Delicious Type of Pistachios 1

What is the most Delicious Type of Pistachios

This factor has made Iranian pistachios one of the most delicious pistachios in the world. For several years, American pistachios have surpassed Iran in production and are conquering world markets one after another. Therefore, it seems that Iranian pistachios can make good use of this competitive advantage (taste) and still have something to say in global markets.

What is the most delicious type of pistachios?

Among the colorful Iranian pistachios, the best and most delicious type of pistachio is Ahmad Aghaei pistachio. This cultivar of pistachio, which has an elongated shape, is among the most delicious pistachios in Iran and also in the world due to having a lot of useful fat in it.

In which cities is high quality Iranian pistachio produced?

High quality pistachio, Iranian pistachio which is famous not only in Iran but also in the world in terms of taste and shape is the best type of pistachio in Rafsanjan.

The history of pistachio cultivation in Rafsanjan is more than a thousand years and has long been traded between China and Western countries.

Rafsanjan pistachio also has a very ancient reputation in Iran. And it can almost be said that many compatriots have tasted the greed of this pistachio and in many circles and gatherings they have welcomed their guests with Rafsanjan pistachio.

Before the revolution, when there was a great focus on Iran’s export and agricultural development, Rafsanjan city has been very much in the government’s plan to industrialize pistachios and grow the country’s exports and agriculture. For this reason, Rafsanjan has industrial facilities for pistachio agriculture, such as pistachio salting machines or smiling water or packaging, which is a very powerful infrastructure and improves the quality and taste of pistachios.

You may have heard a lot that the best pistachio in the world is Iranian pistachio. Really, why and for what reason has this important competitive feature been acquired by Iran? Why is Iranian pistachio more delicious than other countries in the world?

What is the most Delicious Type of Pistachios

What is the most Delicious Type of Pistachios

Ways to identify high quality nuts

The best way to recognize good nuts is to taste them. Taste each nut before buying. Of course, you should not be too sure of this way. Because most nuts are a little spoiled and tasting too much may not always be the solution. Nuts with a spicy, very salty or sour taste are not suitable.

Because by roasting old nuts with lemon juice or other spices, it prevents the customer from recognizing its antiquity and hides its main taste. Also, the old taste and longevity are other signs of old nuts. Any pungent odor, moisture or odor is a warning sign for recognizing old nuts. One of the prominent sellers of nuts in Rafsanjan introduces the solution of recognizing good nuts as follows: “The taste and freshness of nuts is the most important feature of good nuts.

The best pistachio cultivar in Iran

To find the best variety of pistachios and high quality pistachios, we must introduce the most types of pistachios in Rafsanjan. In Jahar city, pistachio type: Ahmad Aghaei, Akbari pistachio, Kalleghoochi pistachio and hazelnut pistachio have the highest frequency of production and quality. Of course, there are other varieties of pistachios such as premium pistachios, pistachios, Rezaei, Sabz pistachios, Seif al-Dini, Sirizi, Herati and Badami pistachios, which are not significant. Most pistachios have the volume of exports. The pistachio cultivar is hazelnut. And in second place is Ahmad Aghaei pistachio cultivar.

The best pistachio cultivar in terms of production quality and resistance of pistachio graft is Ahmad Aghaei, which is an important part of exports and a significant part of nuts. And the best pistachio in the world in terms of quality, taste and beauty only in the region Nogh Rafsanjan can be found that the largest pistachio orchards in the world are located in this area.

What is the most Delicious Type of Pistachios

What is the most Delicious Type of Pistachios

Types of pistachios in the Iranian market

In general, there are two types of pistachios in our country’s pistachio market:

Raw  mail : Raw mail gives the buyer its true taste because it does not undergo any operation before delivery. If this type of pistachio stays in one place for a long time, it will smell stale and old and the buyer will not go to it at all.
Salty  pistachios : Posts that undergo pre-sale operations are also called roasted. These pies are roasted with lemon essence and salt. Their appearance attracts attention and naturally many people like the taste of this type of pistachio more. But these posts are not always of good quality. Depending on the price, you may be able to buy old, closed, or small-sized pistachios by mistake.

Iranian Pistachio Varieties, A Comprehensive Guide

Iranian Pistachio Varieties, Pistachio is one of the most important types of nuts in Iran and the world. The pistachio tree probably originated in Central or East Asia and has different species. The types of pistachios cultivated in Iran belong to the domestic species with the scientific name of Pistacia Vera. Pistachio trees are dicotyledonous in the sense that male and female flowers are produced on different trees and on one tree there are no both male and female flowers.

Iranian Pistachio Varieties

Iranian Pistachio Varieties

Here, we try to mention the characteristics of famous pistachio cultivars in the world with a focus on two important producing countries, namely Iran and the United States, and also explain a summary of the characteristics of other types of pistachios in other countries producing this product.

Important pistachio producer countries

Iran, the United States, Turkey, China, Syria, Greece, Italy, Afghanistan, Tunisia and Spain are the top 10 pistachio producing countries in the world. Due to the fact that the United States has a high domestic consumption, Iran is considered as the largest exporter of pistachios. Other pistachio producing countries include Madagascar, Australia, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Ivory Coast, Morocco and Mexico.

Iranian Pistachio Varieties

Iran has more than 70 cultivars and genotypes of female pistachios and a large number of male genotypes and is one of the most important sources of pistachio germplasm in the world. The most famous types of pistachios in Iran are: Koleghoochi, Akbari, Mumtaz, Badami Zarand, Sefid pistachio Nogh, Ahmad Aghaei, Ouhadi, Khanjari Damghan, Shah Pasand Damghan and Qazvini pistachio.

There are different divisions for different types of Iranian pistachios. In a general division, pistachio types are grouped into two categories: Fandoghi and Almond . For example, Kalleghuchi and Ouhadi cultivars are classified in the Fandoghi group and Akbari, Ahmad Aghaei, Mumtaz and Sefid Pistachio cultivars are classified in the almond group.

In another classification, pistachios are classified into three groups in terms of flowering time: early flowering, medium flowering and late flowering. For example, white pistachio cultivars Noghi and Kalleghuchi are grouped in Zodgol group, Ouhadi, Ahmad Aghaei and Badami Zarand cultivars are grouped in medium flower group and Qazvini and Akbari cultivars are grouped in Dir Gol group.

In the third division, pistachio types are grouped into 5 groups in terms of time of product ripening: very early, early, medium clay, late ripening and very late ripening. For example, very early Qazvini cultivar in very early group, Ouhadi and Qazvini early cultivars in early group, Koleghoochi, Khanjari and Shahpasand cultivars of Damghan and Badami in medium clay group, Ahmad Aghaei and Akbari cultivars in late group and Ebrahimi and Jandaghi cultivars in group They are too late. Very early cultivars can be harvested until 31 August, early cultivars from 1 to 10 September, medium cultivars from 11 to 20 September, late cultivars from 21 to 31 September and very late cultivars from 1 to 10 October.

Characteristics of the most famous pistachio cultivars in Iran

Monotonous or Fandoghi

The shape of the fruit is spherical (Fandoghi), the percentage of laughter is very high, the surface color of the purple kernel and the color of the bone skin of the cream.

Iranian Pistachio Varieties

Kalle Ghuchi

hazelnut fruit shape, medium smile percentage, red-gray core color and bone-white skin color with medium opacity.

Iranian Pistachio Varieties

Ahmad Aghaei

The shape of an elongated rectangular fruit (almond), a high percentage of laughter, the color of the purple core and the color of the bone skin are very light.

Iranian Pistachio Varieties


The shape of the almond fruit has a high percentage of laughter, the surface color of the kernel is purple-brown and the bone skin color is dark cream.

Iranian Pistachio Varieties

Unfortunately, there are no specific cultivars of the male tree in Iran, and males are usually classified in terms of early flowering, medium flowering, and late flowering. In Iranian gardens, the ratio of the number of male trees to the number of female trees is about 1 to 15 to 1 to 25.

Selection of pistachio base in pistachio cultivation

In pistachio cultivation, the choice of rootstock as the root system of the plant is very important.

In Iran, three bases of P. vera (domestic pistachio), P. khinjuk (Chatlanqush) and P. mutica (pistachio) are used for pistachio cultivation . The use of 2 stems of pistachio and chrysanthemum in Iranian pistachio orchards is very rare and in more than 99% of the country’s pistachio orchards, domestic pistachio rootstock is used. The base of domestic pistachio cultivated in Iran is usually Zarand almond. After planting the base and reaching the age of transplanting, the famous cultivars are transplanted on it. One of the important characteristics of coriander rootstock is resistance to nematode producing pistachio root gland. It is said that the base of Chatlanqush has good resistance to drought.

In other countries of the world, the bases of P. terebintus , P. atlantica , P. integerrima , UCBI, PGI and PGII are used. The three bases UCBI, PGI, and PGII are the result of breeding programs and the cross between P. atlantica and P. integerrima .

P. atlantica rootstock is one of the most commonly used rootstocks in California due to its high resistance to cold. The problem with this base is susceptibility to Verticillium wilt disease. Recently, the use of P. integerrima rootstock has been strengthened in breeding programs due to its resistance to Verticillium wilt disease.

A review of the types of pistachios grown in the United States

About 97% of the pistachios grown in the United States are from a female cultivar called Kerman and a male cultivar called Peters. Kerman pistachio cultivar was taken to California by seeds from Rafsanjan in 1929, and after several years, this cultivar was widely cultivated in the United States.

Characteristics of Kerman cultivar: medium growth strength, direct growth, flower production in late March and early April, uniform maturation on the tree, late (fruit production from September to mid-October) and high cooling requirements. The growth rate of Kerman cultivar and P. integerrima rootstock is similar.

Characteristics of Kerman pistachio fruit: round fruit, crisp and suitable kernel, pink and greenish yellow. High percentage of laughter and of course in some years has a high percentage of emptiness.

Iranian Pistachio Varieties

The figure of Peters

was introduced by Mr. Peters, which probably originated in Armenia. This cultivar produces suitable pollen grains and with about 3 weeks flowering period, has a good overlap with Kerman female cultivar for pollination of this cultivar. Other male cultivars include “Kaz”, “Ell”, “Chico” and “Randy”, which may have originated in Azerbaijan.

Other pistachio cultivars grown in California

Red Aleppo

One of the first varieties cultivated in California, it has an annual, early ripening, has smaller and drier fruits compared to Kerman, and has hanging branches.

“Joley” variety

The product of American breeding programs, some features compared to Kerman cultivar are earlier flowering (one week), earlier (one week), percentage of laughter similar to Kerman, with annuals similar to Kerman.

Others less common varieties

Iranian Pistachio Varieties

Some other cultivars grown in California are imported from the Mediterranean and West Asian countries and are:

Ibrahim (EbrahimAbadi), Ohadi, Safeed, Shasti, Wahedi, Bronte, Buenzle, Lassen, Minassian, SfaxandTrabonella.

 Some types of pistachios in California belong to other countries and seem to taste better than the Kerman variety (especially small fruit cultivars from Italy).

Golden Hill and Lost Hill cultivars have been obtained from breeding programs in the United States and may replace the Kerman cultivar in the future. These cultivars are earlier and have a higher laugh rate and have less infection problems than Kerman cultivar.


Iranian Pistachio Varieties

Randy male cultivar

The first flowering occurs 10 to 15 days before Peters, its flowering period overlaps with Kalleghuchi cultivar as well as Golden Hill and Lost Hill cultivars.

Iranian Pistachio Varieties

The most famous types of pistachios in other countries

The most important cultivars cultivatedin other countries are as below:

Syria : “Ashouri”, “Red Oleimy”, “White Batouri”.

Turkey : “Uzun”, “Kirmizi”, “Halebi”, “Abiad miwahi”, “The Jalale”, “Aintaby” and “Ayimi”.

Turkestan (Central Asian region): Kouchka, Akart-Tachecme and Chor-Tchechime

Greece : Larnaca, Aegina and Pontikis.

Spain : “Kerman”, “Aegina”, “Mateur” and “Larnaca”.

Italy : “Bianca” or synonymous with “Napoletana”.

Australia : “Sirora”.

Characteristics of famous pistachio cultivars in other countries

“Ashouri” cultivar known as “Red Aleppo”: green skin color, medium-sized fruit, with a light brown hull with black spots, good quality, cultivated in Syria.

Iranian Pistachio Varieties

“Uzun” cultivar: medium fruit size, elongated and smooth skin, cultivated in Turkey.

Kirmizi cultivar: medium fruit size, red skin color. This cultivar along with “Uzun” cultivar are among the most famous cultivars in Turkey.

Iranian Pistachio Varieties

Kouchka cultivar: thick fruit, creamy white skin color and good fruit quality.

“Mateur” cultivar: elongated fruit, medium size, greenish-yellow skin color, good fruit quality, was selected from Tunisia and showed good results in Spain.            

Larnaka cultivar: Medium fruit size, less elongated than “Mateur” fruit. Its origin is Cyprus. Cultivation of this cultivar in Greece and Spain has shown good results.

Aegina cultivar: Medium-sized, elongated fruit, similar to Mateur. Originally from Greece and showed good results in Spain.

Cultivar “Bianca” or its synonym “Napoletana”: small to medium fruit size, elongated fruit shape, dark green fruit color, which is widely cultivated in Italy.

“Sirora” cultivar: has a red skin color, derived from the breed of “Red Aleppo” cultivar and has a green fruit kernel, good quality and high yield, and is cultivated in Australia.

Ferdowsi Trading Center is the first university based trading company in Iran, providing you with best quality pistachios directly from farms of Khorasan province, Iran. You are welcomed to check our pistachio page and contact us in case you had an inquiry.

How to Invest in IRAN?

Being ranked the second country in the world with highest amount of gas reserves and gas exports, it is not surprising that its Petroleum industry makes Iran’s main source of income and therefore a paradise for businesses to Invest in IRAN . Most of Iran’s oil reserves (about 80%) were discovered before 1965, 70% of which are located onshore. The offshore reserves are located in the Persian Gulf mainly. According to “National Iranian Gas Company“; Iran’s proved gas reserves are 33.8 TCM in 2014.

1. Invest in IRAN Oil and Gas

The oil and gas industry has been the engine of economic growth in Iran, directly affecting public development projects, the government’s annual budget, and most foreign exchange resources. According to OPEC 2016 report; Iran’s Petroleum industry produces about 3.7% (in 2016) of the world’s total crude oil (3.8 million barrels per day).

The last figures that were released by Iran’s Central Bank indicated that this sector constituted about 37.8% of total government revenues.

Having been ranked as the 7th country among the members of Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in 2015, Iran exports 1.08 million barrels of crude oil in 2015 and 1.9 million barrels of crude oil in 2016 a day. Some of the features of Iran’s Oil and Gas sector are as follows:

  • Owning 9.3% of the world’s proven oil reserves.

    IRAN Oil and GAS

    IRAN Oil and GAS

  • Iran ranks the 4th on a global scale in terms of its 158 bn barrels of oil reserves.
  • Iran is endowed with 62 onshore oil fields, 16 offshore oil fields, 20 onshore gas fields, and 2 offshore gas fields that are currently operational in the country.
  • Following the uplifting of the sanctions in the year 2015, Iran’s production of oil increased to 3,651 from 3,152 barrels per day and its export of oil witnessed a surge from 1,081 to 1,922.
  • Having the shortest route to the large gas market (Caspian region, South East Asia, etc.)
  • High production potential (about 1 TCM/Day in the next 4 years, via South Pars and other reserves development).
  • Broad infrastructure for taking gas to various consumption areas inside and outside Iran.
  • Possibility of export, transit and swap via pipelines to Turkey, Armenia, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Europe, the Persian Gulf region and also via LNG to Asian and European countries

Invest in IRAN Mining

According to the global statistics, Iran is one of the top 10 countries in the world and the first country in the Middle East with rich mineral resources. With 7% of world’s mineral reserves being located in Iran, the country has got variety of opportunities to offer. There are wide variety of mineral resources such as zinc, iron, copper, lead, coal, uranium, chrome, manganese, etc. that are scattered over different parts of the country. Based on the investigations; around 6,000 mines have been identified with more than 68 types of minerals and there are 15,000 of mineral areas with proven reserves of 40 bn tons worth more than 770 bn USD. Some of the features of the Mining sector and its advantages in Iran are as follows:

IRAN Mines

IRAN Mines

  • By having 12 large mines, Iran holds 8% of zinc reserves, 3% of world’s lead, and is the 4th largest producer of decorative stones in the world.
  • “SarCheshmeh” Mines in Kerman province contain the world’s 2nd largest lode of copper ore.
  • Endowed with 12% of the Persian Gulf region’s aluminum reserves; Iran will boost the production rate to 1.5 million tons by 2025, and turns into one of the top 10 producers of aluminum in the world.
  • There are currently 91,000 people employed in the Mining sector in Iran and around 19,000 more who are indirectly involved in this sector. (source: Statistical Center of Iran)
  • With an annual output of over 35 million tons, Iran is one of the top 10 global producers of the iron ore.
  • More than 70% of about 6,000 mines in the country are currently active.
  • Iran’s mining products represent about 4% of the country’s non-oil exports. (2016)

Invest in IRAN Industry

Iran has the largest and the most extended industries among the countries in MENA region and enjoys sufficient infrastructures in upstream, downstream and knowledge-based industries.

IRAN Industry

IRAN Industry

Iran’s petrochemical industries provide most of the world market necessities by the annual production capacity equal to 60 mn tons.  Petrochemical, steel, cement and automotive industry are among the country’s most prominent and successful industries. Some of the features of these four industries are as follows:

Iran’s petrochemical industry has more than half a century of experience and its production capacity reaches over 61.9 mn tons by operating numerous development projects now.

Iran’s total petrochemical production was 50.7 mn tons in the year ended March 2017 and in comparison to the nominal capacity, the average percentage of production was 79.2% during this period.

Presently, Iran is known as the greatest steel producer in the Middle East.

With 17.9 mn tons of crude steel production, Iran is ranked 14th on a global scale in the year 2016.

  • Producing 77 mn tons of cement per year, Iran is ranked 13th in the world in this industry.
  • Iran exports cement to some two dozen countries including Iraq, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Pakistan, Qatar, Turkey, the UAE, Georgia, Oman, India, and China.
  • Iran’s automotive industry is deemed as the second most important branch of the national economy, after the oil and gas industry with a turnover of 26 bn USD.
  • In 2016, Iran became the world’s 18th large automotive manufacturer with an annual production capacity of 2 mn vehicles and over 8,000 people working in this industry.

Infrastructure Invest in IRAN

Iran enjoys a strong and widespread infrastructure in most of its sectors. Iran has a wide range of communication networks including over 214,000 km of road and almost 11,000 km of railways. Other features of modern Iran are, enjoying over 600 operational dams and power plants that generate 76,000 MW of electricity production. Iran transport portion in total GDP is about 9% (2014 ).

According to 2016 statistics; Iran’s railroads transport about 23 million passengers per year via 2,000 operating passenger wagons.

  • A booming consumption and production together with new ways of electricity generation, lead Iran to have a promising perspective in electric power industry. Iran’s electricity domestic consumption and production rates have steadily grown together since 1984. Consumption has constantly risen, and it is expected to rise at about 6 percent per year, over the following decade. Iran ranked 14th largest producer, and 17th largest consumer of electricity in 2015 in the world. With numerous projects underway, Iran has offered more incentives to encourage Iranian and foreign investors to invest in electricity generation sector.

    IRAN Infrastructure

    IRAN Infrastructure

  • Iran is among the top ten manufacturers of gas turbines in the world. Further it has sustained technical expertise to set up hydroelectric, gas, and combined cycle power plants. Not only is Iran self-sufficient in terms of power plant construction, but also has concluded a number of important contracts on implementing projects in the neighboring states.
  • Demographic trends and intensified industrialization have caused the electric power demand to grow by 8 percent per year. Iran is also experimenting electricity generation from organic wastes, and plans to build power plants using sewage and organic waste of domestic and industrial origin, as fuel. With nearly 300 clear sunny days a year, and an average rate of 2,200 kilowatt-hour solar radiation per square meter, Iran has a great potential to try out the solar energy as well.

Ferdowsi Trading Center is the first university based trading company in Iran, providing you with the most profitable and safe investment plans in IRAN. We will be glad to hear from you!

Can Iran Retake European Pistachio Market From US?

Can Iran Retake European Pistachio Market From US? 85% of world production of pistachios (dry in-shell basis). With the trade war heating up between the US and Europe, it could affect the Iranian economy in some ways. Iranian pistachios were banned from EU markets in 1996 due to high aflatoxin contamination levels. Since then, Americans managed to dominate most of Europe’s pistachio markets.

Pistachio Market-ferdowsi trading center

Pistachio Market

Can Iran Retake European Pistachio Market From US?

However, according to Mohsen Jalalpour, the former head of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture, things seem to be changing in Iran’s favor, according to Financial Tribune.

The full translated text of his article recently published in ICCIMA’s official website follows:

Trade war between the US and Europe is escalating and we’re witnessing new restrictions imposed by both sides every day. Whatever happens, it might affect the Iranian economy as well.

The number of commodities both Iran and the US export to Europe is not high, but pistachio is the most important one. Recently, Europe has set tariffs on American almond and hence other almond exporting countries will gain a chance to enter the European markets.

Twenty years ago, Iranian pistachio exports into Europe were banned after Iran’s relations with some European powers soured. Subsequently, Americans took over the European market from Iranian traders.

At present, there are rumors of Europe increasing tariffs on American pistachios. If it comes into force, Iran can resume pistachio exports to Europe after 20 years.

Previously, European countries annually consumed around 90,000 tons of Iranian pistachio, but currently the United States accounts for three-fourth of Europe’s pistachio imports.

Ferdowsi Trading Center is a well-known trading company in Iran, providing you with best quality pistachio directly from farms of Iran. You are welcomed to check our pistachio page and contact us.


Iran exports 8,000 tons of pistachio in 3 months

Iran pistachio export – Head of Iran Pistachio Association (IPA) announced that 8,000 tons of pistachio have been exported in the three months between September and November.

Iran pistachio export ferdowsi trading center

Iran pistachio export ferdowsi trading center

Iran exports 8,000 tons of pistachio in 3 months

According to the Public Relations Department of Ferdowsi Business Center, Mahmoud Abtahi said that 48,000 tons of pistachio were exported to Oman, Kuwait, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Iraq last year.

Some 50-60 thousand tons of pistachio were picked this year, he said.

He went on to say that 80% of the pistachio is exported and the rest is used inside the country.

Iran Pistachio Association (IPA) was established in 2007 to bring together the various sectors of the pistachio industry (growers, processors, service providers, and exporters) to further their interests.

Ferdowsi Trading Center is the first university based trading company in Iran, providing you with best quality pistachio directly from farms of Khorasan province, Iran. You are welcomed to check our pistachio page and contact us in case you have an inquiry. Hope to see you soon!

How to identify high quality saffron?

There are many people that have read about the amazing benefits of saffron and they want to give this incredible spice a try. Naturally, they are using the Internet to check out what is available. But, when they do this, they are stunned by the number of brands selling this spice online. Of course, every seller/brand claims that they provide high quality saffron, but some of them are not very honest. What you should know is that pure saffron is the only form of saffron that can guarantee the numerous health benefits associated with this spice.

high quality saffron

high quality saffron

High quality saffron

Here are the most reliable ways to identify high quality saffron from low quality:

1. Physical appearance:

Real saffron is very dry and natural. Real saffron threads appear in dark red, the redder the better. Low-quality saffron threads appear wax-coated.

2. Taste:

If you pop a tiny strand/thread in your mouth and if the saffron tastes sweet, its a low-quality saffron. Real saffron will have a bitter taste.

3. Aroma:

The real saffron aroma is a blend of honey, hay and even it has a pungent smell this is due to high levels of Safranal and Picrocrocin in the Saffron. While low-quality saffron will have almost no aroma.

4. Touch it:

Original saffron doesn’t stick with one another but low-quality saffron sticks to one another.

5. Extraction Test:

When Grade 1 saffron is added to the water/milk, it floats on top. Color spreads slowly from top to bottom. When low-quality saffron is added to the water/milk, instead of floating, it settles on the bottom and the color changes immediately.

6. Baking soda test:

Take a small amount of baking soda to a cup filled with water and mix it. Then add saffron to the mixture. If it is pure saffron, the mixture shall turn yellow. The low-quality saffron will turn dim red.

Ferdowsi Trading Center is the first university based trading company in Iran, providing you with best quality saffron directly from farms of Khorasan province, Iran. You are welcomed to check our Saffron page and contact us in case you have an inquiry. Hope to see you soon!

What is Saffron?

What is Saffron? Saffron spice is a very precious spice rich of antioxidant with total housekeeping benefits that will give your body a total cleanse from head to toe. You will know the real essence and meaning of “wellness” and felling good the moment saffron spice becomes a part of your every day cooking.

Saffron Spice Filaments

The threads or filaments of saffron spice are dried stigmas of Crocus Sativus Linnaeus. Every flower only has 3 stigmas. These threads should be hand- picked from every flower, and more than 70,000 of these is required in producing just 1 pound of saffron filaments, making it the most valuable spice in the world. However, due to saffron’s intense flavor and strong coloring power, it must be used carefully.

Saffron spice gives any food intense flavor, revitalizing aroma and bright orange-yellow color.

Crocus Sativus Linnaues, the scientific name of saffron flower, contains a substance known as crocin. This is responsible for saffron’s revitalizing aroma, intense flavor, strong coloring property and therapeutic properties. Saffron spice is available both in powder and filaments, though the long, red filaments are typically preferable to the powder, as the latter can be adulterated.

Saffron – Its Origin and History

It is believed that saffron is a native to middle east, Asia Minor and Mediterranean area. However, it is in middle east where it has been originally cultivated. Later on, it was taken to other parts of the world due to the barter trade.

Saffron Legends and Facts:

  • According to legends, saffron was brought to India with the descent into the world and later on, was take to Kashmir in order to be cultivated and applied in several fields.
  • The oldest surviving document with regard to saffron’s application originally belongs to the ancient dynasty of Iran. Achaemenids engraved an inventory on a pillar including the quantity and variety of foods items that were utilized in the palace kitchen, and saffron is one of the items mentioned. The Achaemenids also used saffron in cosmetic products due to its skin.
  • With saffron’s bitter taste and exotic aroma, it was named among the sweet smelling herbs in the Song of Solomon.
  • A golden-colored water soluble dye for fabric was extracted from the stigmas of saffron in India during the ancient times. After the death of Buddha, his priests made saffron the official shade of their robes. The dye has also been utilized for royal raiment in various cultures.
  • Saffron was also used as a perfume. It was sprinkled in Roman and Greek balls, theaters, courts and halls. Not long, it became linked with the hetaerae, a proficient class of courtesans in Greece. The roman streets were also strewn with saffron when Nero entered the city.
  • When the Muslims conquered Spain, some items cultivable in areas under Muslim influence were taken there in AD.
  • Saffron is mentioned in an English healing manual also known as English leechbook in the 10th century.
  • Saffron is also said to have been brought to China by the Mongols who took its bulb from the Iranian soil. It is recorded in PunTsaou, a Chinese material media (1552-78).

Scientific Facts of Saffron

Saffron Flower and Threads

Saffron’s Scientific Name: Crocus Sativus Linnaeus

Species: Iridacean

Family: Corm

Thecorm of saffron isa perennial, stem less, plant that just has a few years lifespan. From every corm in fall, 1 or 2 flowers is grown (rarely more than 2). These purple-colored flowers contain only 3 red-colored stigmas that are very precious.

The chemical constituents found in the stigmas of saffron are color pigments such as zeaxanthin, lycopene, beta carotene, alpha carotene and crocin, vitamins such as thiamine and riboflavin, picrocrocin, safranal, mucilage, minerals and carbohydrates.

Saffron also has anthocyanin pigments and free aglyconecrocin. Crocin, an unusual car

otenoid that is found in nature is by far the most dominant chemical in saffron’s coloring property. It can easily be dissolved in water,

Picrocrocin is a glucose that is responsible for saffron’s bitter taste. In order to produce safranal, this glucose undergoes crystallization through a process known as acid hydrolysis.

Safranal is the major aromatic substance, making up 60% of the composition of saffron’s unstable components. It is a gelatinous liquid that produces a bright yellow blemish when exposed to steam. It can also be dissolved in petroleum, ether, methanol and ethanol.

Saffron Harvest and Gathering

Cultivation of saffron is done on a recurring basis, and that after 7-9 years lapse, the land in questions must be switched to another type of crop like grains for a period of 7 years so that the soil can replenish its lost nutrients.

The flowers of saffron are manually harvested in mid-fall. The harvest time depends on environmental and agricultural conditions and it also takes up to 20 days.

Harvest Time: Flowers are hand-picked early in the morning, as the temperature is low and the saffron flowers are still shut, thereby decreasing the chances of mechanical damage stimulation and contamination at the harvest time. The gathering and transfer of the flowers is done in dry baskets made of either plastic or straw.

Transfer: The transfer of saffron flowers is done in such a way that contamination or mechanical damage is prevented. Thus over piling of flowers and putting too much pressure on them during the transfer and transport process is avoided.

Separation: Saffron is gathered in filaments and is stored within clean and dry containers. The later the separation of saffron’s filament from the flower, the higher the quality acquired.

Drying Saffron: To effectively preserve saffron, it must be completely dried. The exceptional aroma of saffron is caused by the picrocrocin’s hydrolysis and the safranal’s release. The ways on how to dry saffron are the following:

  • Spanish Method
  • Traditional Persian Method
  • Industrial Method: This method has 3 types of drying systems:
  • Vacuum dryers
  • Belt dryers
  • Air flow dryer

What are the Uses of Saffron?

Medicinal: Saffron is rich in Riboflavin and Vitamin B2. It is claimed to have potential of having many health benefits.

Cosmetic: During the ancient times, royalty and wealthy women utilized saffron as a facemask in order to soothe rashes and remove acne and pimples. Saffron is also anti-allergic and is widely utilized in the cosmetic industry.

Cooking: Saffron is an irreplaceable spice in both national and international dishes. Due to its superb coloring and flavoring properties, it is used both in the Indian and sub-continent cuisine. In Middle Eastern countries, saffron is used in desserts, coffee and rice. It is also used in vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes, fish, ice creams, desserts, pasta and rice dishes. You can also find a wide variety of saffron rice.

Perfumes: Owing to its medicinal properties as a natural cure against migraine and relaxant, saffron is used in the Middle East in preparing an oil-based perfume known as “Zaafran Attar”, which is a blend of sandal wood and saffron. The herb is also utilized as a major perfume ingredient in several popular internationally known brands.

Precious Gifts: Saffron is well appreciated as an exceptional gift item. It is commonly presented as a highly valuable gift item during special occasions such as Onam, Diwali, Eid, New Year, weddings, Christmas, wedding, engagements, birthdays and other festive seasons.

Saffron, Phytochemical and Medicinal Properties

Saffron is a perennial spicy herb and well known as Red Gold in producer countries. This plant is the most expensive cultivated herb in the world. The origin of the word saffron is the French term Safran, which was derived from the Latin word safranum and comes from the Arabic word as far that means “yellow”. But this word is different from the ancient Persian word as Karkum which was used by the people living around Zagros Mountains.

It has been documented that saffron was used as a food or spicy plant product for culinary purposes in Achamenian Imperial court.



The underground parts of the plant, corms or bulbs, can be used to produce new plant as this plant has no seed propagation. The outstanding feature of the colored flowers of saffron is three stigmas (25-30 mm long), drooped over the petals. The flower has also three yellow stamens, which do not contain the active compounds and usually are not collected. Each bulb produces one to seven flowers. It seems that the cultivated species has originated as a natural hybrid so that it has been selected for its long stigmas and maintained ever since.

The flower of C. sativa is a light purple, but it is the thread-like reddish-colored stigma of the flower that is valued both as a spice and as a natural colorant. It takes about 36,000 flowers to yield just 1 pound of stigmas. Over 200,000 dried stigmas (obtained from about 70,000 flowers) yield 500 g of pure saffron (not contaminated with safflower) which cost as much as $30 per ounce in the American market.

Saffron as a medicinal food plant material must follow the international standards. The important chemical characteristics of dried saffron on the basis of ISO 3632-1 are indicated below.

Saffron Spec

Ferdowsi Trading Center is the first university based trading company in Iran, providing you with best quality saffron directly from farms of Khorasan province, Iran. You are welcomed to check our Saffron page and contact us in case you have an inquiry. Hope to see you soon!