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Ferdowsi Trading Center

Secure Short & Long Terms Investments in Iran

وارداتMass ImportBrand ProductsRaw MaterialsTech EquipmentImport Consultation

Ferdowsi Trading Center

Supplying Domestic Market with Imported Products

Mass ExportCooperative ExportMarket AnalysisAdvertising & MarketingConsultation

Ferdowsi Trading Center

Manufacturers Links to Global Markets

Ferdowsi Trading Center Services

“Safe, Secure and Profitable Trade in Iran Market”


Expertise export, by examining world markets and choosing the best target market

Participatory exports, Representative of the domestic producers of goods for export

Marketing, market management and advertising of export products in foreign countries

Special export consultation (licensing, transportation, clearance, remittances, etc.)

Investment in Iran

Secure Investment in Export
(Highly-Effective Short Term Plans, Consultation and Implementation)

Secure Investment in Import
(Highly-Effective Short Term Plans, Consultation and Implementation)

Long Term Investment Plans in Industry, Agriculture and Renewable Energies

Investment in Modern Technologies and Knowledge-based Companies


Mass import (for wholesalers, stores and large consumers)

Import for producers (raw materials, ODM components, production line machines)

Exclusive services for knowledge-base companies (customs clearance facilities for imports)

Special import consultation (merchandise evaluation, shipping, clearance, remittances, etc.)

Start your investment now

  • Safe Investment

    Do not worry about your capital and funds with our services. Providing solutions for safe exporting, importing and investment is our expertise.

  • Active Support

    We are always with you with the guarantee of your investment and active support 24 hours a day.

  • Minimum Time

    Protecting your time as the most important factor in business, doing all the affairs of import, export, transportation, clearance and currency transfers in the shortest possible time.

  • Reasonable Prices

    Provide all services of import, export, transportation, clearance, currency transfers and investment plans at the most appropriate cost and contribute to your profit and loss.

  • Modern Solutions

    Use experts advises to experience a safe and profitable business and investment. Providing innovative short-term and long-term investment plans for the first time in Iran.

About Us

Ferdowsi Trading Center was formed with the idea of ​​linking industries, commerce, economics and management to the efforts of a group of traders, industry owners and university specialists. Based on the experience of its founding members, the center began its activities in the field of business affairs and industrial products, and succeeded in becoming a trusted consultant and trustee of large and small industries in the field of commerce. In 2014, in order to create new platforms for cooperation between the industry and the university in the field of commerce, Ferdowsi’s Office of Trading was established at Ferdowsi University.
Ferdowsi Trading Center is the first knowledge-based business company in Iran, with a new approach aimed at opening up new horizons in the field of import and export, and most important providing reliable long-term and short-term investment plans for the first time. With the innovation in planning, ensuring investment security and providing active support all for a reasonable price, Ferdowsi trading center has became a reputed well-known pole in Iran.
We always seek new cooperation opportunities and welcome investors and businessmen from all over the world.

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